Modify iPhone Battery Health Under IOS17.4 System by Flashing
The current iOS 17.4 system version does not allow for the clearing of historical health data through the battery pop-up window. As a result, it is not possible to modify the battery health data on the mobile phone only using iPhone battery repair FPC, adaptor, or device alone.

To modify the battery health of a mobile phone, it is necessary to connect with a battery repair FPC or quick repair board-Q1 and perform a flash using flashing software such as ShaLou, i4, or 3uTools (Note: Please ensure that the flashing software is upgraded to the latest version).

Modify iPhone 15 iOS17.4 System Battery Health:

We use iPhone 15 as an example to repair iOS17.4 System Battery Health with JCID Q1 iPhone Battery Health Repair Board.

  1. Remove the iPhone 15 battery and attach it to the quick repair plate seat.
  2. Connect the output to the cell phone battery and set the desired health and cycle modifications before confirming the changes.
  3. Connect the phone to a computer via a data cable and utilize a third-party platform like iShalou, i4, or 3uTools for flashing the iPhone.
    Related Article: Fix Battery Health by Flashing iOS 17.4 with iShalou Tool

  4. Select regular flash and ensure to check "Repair battery health during flashing" for effective repair.
  5. Confirm the flash completion and restart the phone to verify the restored battery health status under iOS 17.4.

More Information You need to know:

1. If the battery cell has been replaced and the battery health and pop-up message have been repaired, upgrading directly to iOS 17.4 will not affect the battery's health data.  

2. If the phone has been updated to iOS 17.4, and then you replace the battery out, you will experience battery popup issues. It is recommended to first downgrade to the iOS 17.3 version, replace the battery cell, modify the battery health data using  JCQ1 or W09 Pro Tester solutions, and then re-upgrade to iOS 17.4.

However, there is a possibility of data loss during the downgrade, so it is advisable to back up phone data beforehand.

Battery pop-up and battery health repair Solutions
Related Article:
Impact of iOS 17.4 on Battery Pop up Message Health Data Repair
Battery health

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