Step-by-step Tutorial: EN-LS23 ITO Laser Machine Operation

Have you ever encountered a line of light on your phone screen or a big black spot affecting the screen, which drives you crazy. The current method is to replace the screen, but Phonefix tells you that this can be handled, and our EN-LS23 ITO Laser Machine is capable of this great task.

What is EN-LS23 ITO laser machine?
Maybe you are as confused as me, but I will tell you now that EN-LS23 Laser Machine can directly repair OLED/LCD display screens without bonding LCD flex cables, and can effectively remove lines from LCD screens. It uses high-energy pulsed laser to cut or fuse specific circuits in the ITO conductive coating of OLED/LCD screens, restoring their normal functions.

How to Install?
First, check the accessories after receiving the goods. Machine main frame, control box. And two power cords, a laser. Glass plate, display screen, 20x lens and 50x lens. Iron frame to fix the display screen. Warranty card and spot paper, pedal, connection line and water tank. Then follow the link below to install. 

Installing Laser and Display Screen:

After you have installed all the machine frames, the next step is to install the cables. You must carefully know which cables to install. And it needs some industrial distilled water for it to work If you have no idea, we can refer to the video below.

Connect the Power Cord:

Add Distilled Water:

After preparing these tools, you should know the functions of some buttons as well as testing and energy adjustment. These are preparations for operation that we cannot ignore.

Introduction of Button Function:

Testing and Energy Regulation:

After understanding this, we need to find the damaged part of the screen, which is the most important part. The following is the operation video:

Find the Crack Location: 

After knowing the location, it is time to repair it accurately, which will be described in the video below. If there are still some defects, repair them a few more times, and a perfect screen will be completed.

Practical Repair of ICD:

The above is the step-by-step instruction of EN-LS23 Laser Machine. If you follow the above, I believe your screen will be repaired. If you want to know more, I welcome you to visit Phonefix. We extend our warmest welcome.

Laser machineScreen repair

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