How to Make Your Age of Mobile Phone Last Longer?

None of our mobile phone users want to replace their mobile phones easily. Phonefix recommends 5 ways to extend the usage time of your mobile phone. Whether you have an Android phone or an iPhone, these tips will help you get the longest use out of it.

The best phones you can buy in 2024, like the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, cost well over $1,000, making them a hefty investment for most of us. The best way to squeeze every bit of value out of an expensive purchase is to make your phone last as long as possible. Not only does this protect your wallet, it protects the environment, too.

Making sure you use your phone longer means fewer phones get thrown away and fewer old phones get left as toys. The good news is that companies like Apple, Google, and Samsung support their phones for longer, meaning they're still safe to use for years to come.The rest of it, then, is up to you. To keep your phone in good working condition for the seven or eight years of software support it'll receive takes some effort, plenty of care and a few key strategies.

Here are some of the most important things you can do to make your phone last as long as possible.

1. Install All Available Updates

Using a phone that no longer receives security updates simply isn't safe and should be avoided. Previously it was common for many Android manufacturers to support new phones for only two to three years, but now you'll find phones like the Google Pixel 8 series coming with seven years of software support.

Updating your phone to the latest security update will help keep hackers out and keep your phone free of malicious software that could creep in and slow down your phone. Most phones will automatically prompt you to install the latest updates (and you should), but if you're on an older phone, head into your settings menu and scroll down to Software Update and click to see if an update is available.

The same is true for your apps, which will also need to be updated to remain compatible with the version of iOS or Android you're using. It's good practice to allow apps to be automatically updated in the background, but if not, make sure you go into your app store of choice and check that you're running the latest versions.

2. Use a iPhone Case
If you just bought a brand new iPhone, the best way to physically protect it is to put it in a case right away. This will not only protect the phone in the event of an accidental drop, but it will also prevent scratches from keys or coins in your pocket.

A Screen Protector is also a good idea, because once the actual screen of your phone is damaged, you'll be left wondering why you didn't add a protective film. However, if the screen protector has serious scratches, you can simply replace it and keep your phone looking brand new for years to come.

3. Replace the Battery, Not the Phone
Phone's battery wears out over time, and each time you recharge it it makes its battery life shorter than it would have been if it were new. This is true for all phones. Some older phones' batteries only support 50% of usage. Once that's exceeded, you may get a warning from your phone saying your battery isn't delivering the power it needs to, so your processor may be throttling.

But don't worry, as most phones' batteries can be replaced yourself, leaving your phone feeling like new again. Phonefix sells a range of kits and third-party replacement batteries for a wide range of phones, so if your battery is about to die it might be worth seeing if you can replace it yourself.

Of course, you can take your phone to a variety of places to have the battery replaced - or even other parts replaced, such as a cracked screen - which can be a good option if you're not particularly confident in your phone repair skills.
4. Uninstall Old, Unneeded Apps and Photos
If you've had your phone for years, there's a good chance it's filled with thousands of photos. You may even have downloaded all sorts of old apps and games that you downloaded on a whim, played a few times, and never played again.

Lack of storage can have a detrimental effect on your phone's overall performance, and it can also mean there's not enough space to install critical software updates. You should go through your archive, back up any photos and videos you want to save to the cloud, and delete anything that's taking up unnecessary space on your phone.

If you've had your phone for a long time and it's really running slow, it might be worth backing up any important data and doing a full factory reset to start from scratch, installing only the essential features you need.

5. Clean the Ports
Finally, give your phone a good cleaning. Pocket lint can cause problems for your phone, especially since the charging port can often get clogged with debris. The result is that when you plug in the charger, it doesn't fully connect, so your phone won't charge.

It's easy to think something's broken -- the charging port itself or the cable -- when it might just be that the port is clogged with lint. Periodically use a wooden toothpick or Tweezers to remove any dirt and debris you find to make sure your charger fits your phone properly without having to jerk it too hard.

Also use an old toothbrush (clean, dry) to gently brush away any debris around the speaker and microphone to ensure you can hear and be heard clearly when you make calls.

The above are some of the methods shared by phonefix. If you want to extend the life of your phone, take action now. If you want to learn more about various mobile Phone Repair Tools, then come to phonefix.

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